
Data Loggers for Pharmaceutical Transports

The pharmaceutical industry has broad prospects. In recent years, the bio-pharmaceutical industry has developed rapidly, but the cold chain logistics of drugs is not perfect, and it lags far behind the development of the bio-pharmaceutical industry in terms of quantity and service capacity.

Many pharmaceutical products are temperature sensitive and may lose efficacy if exposed to excessive temperature fluctuations above specified thresholds during transport and storage. We specialize in pharmaceutical temperature monitoring for the storage of vaccine supplies, temperature sensitive drugs and samples Provide cost-effective solutions.

According to the requirements of the "Quality Management Standard for Pharmaceutical Business", the cold storage, refrigerated truck, refrigerated box, incubator, and automatic temperature and humidity monitoring system for refrigerated storage and transportation are verified to confirm that the relevant facilities, equipment and systems can meet the specified design standards and requirements. Safe and effective normal operation and use to ensure the quality of refrigerated and frozen medicines during storage and transportation. Cold chain verification is divided into "pre-use verification, special verification, regular verification and verification that the suspension time exceeds the specified time limit".


Faced with the development of the medical industry under the general environment, the pharmaceutical cold chain is also increasingly showing its importance. As a part of pharmaceutical logistics, pharmaceutical cold chain is a necessary process from production to use of important refrigerated pharmaceuticals.

Commonly the refrigerated transportation and distribution of medicines requires the temperature to be kept within the range of 2 to 8 °C. In order to ensure the realization of temperature monitoring in the refrigerated transportation and distribution of medicines, AKS provides a series of temperature monitoring solutions:
WarmMark and Timestrip time-temperature indicator: low cost and easy to use, various specific temperature thresholds for cold chain monitoring.
TempAction temperature recorder: if the detailed record is required, electronic temperature data logger is a better choice, with the programmable alarm levels, and alarm indicator light or real-time LCD display, efficient solution for shipments.

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